4 Timely Video Blogging Tips and Tricks

Video isn’t just a trend or blip on the marketing radar – it’s here to stay. And if you want to maximize content on your blog as a video blogger, you must embrace it sooner rather than later.

According to the latest video marketing data, 89 percent of marketers say video gives them a good ROI, while 83 percent say it helps them with lead generation. An impressive 95 percent say they plan to increase or maintain video spend moving forward. So whether you’re using video as part of a larger marketing strategy, or you plan to launch and grow a dedicated video blog, you’re in good company. Here are a few helpful tips you can use to make the most out of your investment.

1. Get the Right Video Blogging Equipment

Technology is one of the foundational pillars of successful video marketing. And while good content can always help you overcome a wealth of issues, it helps if your video and audio are crystal clear. In particular, you should focus on purchasing these quality items:

Nothing says low-budget like poor audio quality. If your audio is popping, crackling, and fading in and out, your message through video blogging will be lost. Thankfully, you can purchase a really good quality microphone for right around $100 or less. (You can also spend a lot more, but $100 is enough to get you in the game.) You obviously need a good camera. There’s no one-size-fits-all, so you’ll have to make a list of your wants and needs. For example, will you be recording most of your videos in a studio or indoor space where you can control most of the ambient factors, or will you be outside? Do you need a long battery life for on-the-go recording, or will you have access to power? There are a variety of factors to consider. This is where video bloggers make or break it (in terms of video quality). If you want exceptional videos that look professional, you need to spend some time studying the art of lighting. A basic three-point lighting setup with a key light, fill light, and backlight will work well in most situations.

2. Choose Content People Want

Anyone can buy the right equipment and learn how to record high-quality video that looks good to the eye. But the real test lies in creating content that people want to consume. You might think you have an idea of what to publish, but it ultimately comes down to your target audience. Perform some research on who they are, the keywords they’re searching for, and what type of content they’re already consuming on a regular basis.

3. Invest in Your Confidence

At the end of the day, you want people to gravitate toward your personality and connect with you through their screen. There are a variety of ways to do this, but it ultimately comes down to confidence. If you have confidence in yourself, your viewers will have confidence in you.

As part of your video strategy and preparation, it’s helpful to think about your perceived weaknesses so that you can proactively address them. Worried about your receding hairline and the fact that it makes you look a decade older than you are? Try a laser cap to address hair loss and start taking care of your overall health. Tired of having a thin or nasally voice? Consider getting voice lessons to develop a richer and fuller sound that comes across on camera. Little things like these can go a long way in instilling confidence that radiates through your video and connects with people in profound ways.

4. Listen and Iterate

Release the preconceived notions of your video blogging plan or strategy and learn to listen to your viewers. Gather feedback, and don’t be afraid to pivot when there’s a clear indication that your audience wants you to do more or less of something. Stay true to who you are and the long-term vision you have for the blog, but be flexible enough to adapt.

Look 12 Months Ahead

It’s easy to get psyched up and motivated about video blogging for a couple of weeks. But once you realize how much work it requires, you’ll be tempted to fizzle out. To prevent the “grind” from wearing you thin, look ahead six, nine, or 12 months. Now consider where you want to be at that point and work backward. When it comes to marketing, it’s often about looking ahead and making decisions today that you’ll be thankful for in the months and years to come. Yes, video blogging can be time-consuming and resource-intensive on the front end. But the long-term gains are clear and obvious. Stick with it!

4 Tips for Video Blogging Success That You Must Follow - 254 Tips for Video Blogging Success That You Must Follow - 62