This is because the most common use of Telegram in people’s lives is to send a massive file and not facilitated by any other messaging app. The main reason why Telegram is safe than other apps is that it harbors all the unauthorized groups and channels circulating the content without their license. However, common apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram have a specific cut-off for sharing a file at once. Beyond that cut-off, the sharing is not supported. All the chats done in Telegram are saved in the app’s servers unless the user opts for a secret chat option. Overall, the app makes it too worrisome regarding the confidentiality of the information and personal data. Compared to other messaging apps, there is a higher risk of data piracy. However, news got viral that many terrorist activities use this application. Due to these concerns, many users tend to delete their Telegram accounts so that they don’t have to face the troublesome policies and protocols.

Steps to Delete Telegram Account from Android Device

The people using Telegram on mobile do not have an option to delete the app directly. Instead, the whole deactivation process is mandatory to be completed.

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It involves the ‘Self Destruction Mode’ in which a time frame must be selected. After completing that specific time, the Telegram account is permanently deleted along with the media and contact list.

Open the Telegram application and go to ‘Settings.’Tap on the ‘Privacy and Security’ option.Select the ‘If Away For’ option to delete the account automatically.The user will get an option to choose the idle time frame after which the account would no longer exist. The options available are 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. By default, the time frame is set to 6 months.

Steps to Delete Telegram Account from an iOS Device

If you are an iOS user, there is a method by following which you can delete your Telegram account from your iOS device. To delete your Telegram account from your iOS device, follow the steps mentioned below:

Search for the Telegram app on your iOS device and open it.If your account is not logged in, then type in your registered mobile number to open your Telegram account from your phone.Click on the Settings option, which you can find on the bottom left corner of your screen.After that, a new screen will open to find the Privacy and Security option. So, tap on the Privacy and Security option to proceed further.

After that, you will find an option ‘If Away For‘ under the Automatically Delete My Account option.Click on the If Away For option, and you will be asked to select a time frame of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. So, select any of the time frames. Although by default, 6 months will be set in the time frame.

Steps to Delete Telegram Account using a Web Browser

Telegram application takes much longer to remove the account permanently, but people may not be able to wait for that long. A quick solution is doing so using the web browser by performing the following steps:

Search for the Telegram Deactivation Page using the web browser, either PC or phone.

Add the phone number and the country code linked with the Telegram account.The user would be receiving an alphanumeric code on the mobile application of Telegram.Enter that code into the section meant for the web browser. The user does not have to wait for any message of confirmation to proceed.From the option ‘Telegram Core,’ select ‘Delete Account.’An optional query would be answered by the users stating the reason for deleting the account. Then you can proceed towards deleting the account by clicking on ‘Delete My Account.

A confirmation pop-up will appear asking if the user wants to delete the account permanently. By clicking ‘Yes,’ the user provides permission to delete the account permanently.Now, the person has to start all over again to create a Telegram account.

What to do in case a fake profile is spotted on Telegram?

Telegram has a feature of reporting such profiles under the ‘No To Scam’ option in their helpdesk in case of spotting a fake profile or a scam profile. 

How to start a secret chat in Telegram?

Go to the user’s profile with whom the user wants to start the secret chat, click on the three dots (…), and finally select ‘Start Secret Chat.’ In this way, the data won’t be saved on the application’s servers.

Is secret chat available on all devices?

The secret chats in Telegram are not account-specific but are specific to the device. Therefore, if the user logs in to the Telegram account on some other device, the secret chat done in the previous one would not be visible. In simple words, logging in to some new device would make the secret chats get lost.  Still, the user can create as many secret chats as wanted on multiple devices respectively. 

Does the Telegram app have a screenshot detection feature?

No, there is no alert to the user if some contact takes a screenshot of their chat. The feature is available in the secret chat, but it is not notified every time that the respective person has taken a screenshot.

Is it possible to change the number to which the Telegram account is linked?

Yes, the number linked to the account can be changed by going to the ‘Settings’ option and choosing ‘Change My Number.’ However, the user has to ensure that access to the existing number is still there. Otherwise, it would not be possible to add the new phone number and discard the old one. 

Are bots also present on Telegram?

Yes, many developers have created their bots using Telegram Bot API. However, these bots are usually designed for commercial and marketing purposes.

The Conclusion : Delete Telegram Account from Android, iOS and Web

Being amid controversy since it entered the market, Telegram still has many users worldwide. Though the sole purpose of having Telegram in the smartphones or the desktops of people only concerns the sharing of large files. It can be risky if the file carries personal data or any other confidential data belonging to a particular organization, say, the office where the user works. Telegram has only reported safety concerns so far. Other than that, no further complaint from the users’ side has been there till now. On the other hand, users like the application’s interface with various stickers and GIFs to choose from, making it more interactive and expressive. It would have been one of the top-rated applications only if the ‘end-to-end encryption was used in the default mode.  Different organizations have launched several other applications that facilitate sharing of large files and data among their users and are comparatively safe to use. These apps, too, have a wide range of stickers and GIFs to select from and make the conversation more expressive. Those apps can be given a try, and then the perfect one may be selected according to user preference. 

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