To make sure your life is full of the best moments and memories, take the time to share more of your life on Instagram. This will help you build a following and make more friends, all while helping you share the most interesting stories from your life.

You can use a new feature on Instagram to hide likes from your profile. This will help you focus on your photography and not get overwhelmed by the likes.

Why Hide Likes and Views on Instagram 

Instagram is all about the content. You post something because you want to share the news, the story, or your emotions and opinions with the world (or your followers in this case). But what matters most on Instagram is what people are going to see and share after they see it. So if you’re looking to make sure your posts are seen by as many people as possible, focus on creating content that is interesting, informative, and engaging.

If you feel like these things do matter more to you than the content that you post on Instagram, that’s not a good sign. It’d probably do good for your mental health to turn off likes on Instagram as an experiment.

If you want to track the number of likes and views on your website for marketing or other reasons, you can still do so by disabling likes. However, since the process is reversible, you will not be losing any valuable data.

How to Turn Off Likes on a New Instagram Post

To hide likes on Instagram, you’ll need to use the smartphone app to turn off likes. You won’t be able to do it using Instagram on your computer.

Once your post is published, you’ll be the only person who can see the number of likes and views on this particular post.

How to Hide Likes From Old Instagram Posts 

To hide likes on an Instagram post, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Instagram account.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of your screen (the one that looks like a gear wheel).
  3. Choose “History.”
  4. Scroll down and select “Posts.”
  5. Scroll down and select “Old Posts.”
  6. Click on the post you want to hide likes from.

You’ll see a confirmation message like count hidden. From that moment on, you’re the only person who can see the likes on this post. ..

If you later change your mind, you can always unhide the like count on your Instagram post. To do that, go to this post and open the menu. Once again, you’ll get the confirmation message Like count unhidden. ..

How to Turn Off Likes on Other Accounts

To turn off likes on posts for other people on Instagram, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app and sign in.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the main screen and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. On the left side of this screen, you’ll see a list of posts. Click on one of them to open its details page.
  4. On this page, you’ll see a list of options next to each post’s name. Click on one of these options to change how likes are displayed for that post: Likes can be turned off for all posts by clicking on “None” in the top right corner of this page. This will disable likes for that post but leave it up as a rating so people can still see how popular it is.

If you want to see the total number of likes and views on posts from other accounts, you can easily reverse this. Follow steps 1 through 4 from above, except this time toggle the Hide Like and View Counts switch off.

Should You Hide Likes and Views on Instagram? 

If you’re unhappy with the number of likes your posts receive on Instagram, it might be worth giving a try to see if you feel happier without them. ..

When you turn off likes and views counts on all of your posts, the views count on your Instagram Stories will still be visible. This way you’ll still be able to roughly tell whether your engagement rates changed or if your content has been reaching roughly the same number of Instagram users. You’ll also receive notifications when someone likes posts on your Instagram page. ..