In this article, I’ll show you how to sort text, lists and tables in Word. Note that if you already have data in Excel, you can easily insert an Excel spreadsheet into your Word document.

Sorting Lists in Word

There are three types of lists you can sort in Word: unordered, bulleted, and ordered. Unordered lists are just a list of words or phrases that each occupies a separate line. Bulleted lists are like bullet points with one or more spaces between the items. Ordered lists are like a table of contents with the first item on the left and the last item on the right.

In each of these cases, a line break (also called a carriage return) tells Word where one word or phrase ends and the next one begins. This is how Word is able to sort text in the document.

To sort any of these types of lists, begin by selecting the list with your mouse. Simply start at the beginning of the list, hold down the left mouse button, and drag your mouse until the entire list is selected.

Click on the A button to sort the text by alphabetical order. Click on the Z button to sort the text by number.

If you want to sort the text by paragraph, select the option and then press the enter key.

We need to tell Word what we are sorting. To do this, locate the drop down menu labeled “Type” and choose “Text.” This is also the default option. ..

We need to decide whether we want to sort the text in ascending or descending order. The default option is ascending, so we’ll choose that. When done, click the OK button and Word will sort your text with the options you chose.

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Sorting Text in Tables

To sort text in Word, you use the same tools as you would for Excel: rows, columns, and headings. However, because Word is a text-based application, you can sort text by any of the following: letter order (A-Z), number order (1-9), or alphabetical order (a-z).

The table has the following fields: Name First Name Last Name Address The table can be used to list people by their first and last names. The table can also be used to list people’s addresses.

Now that we have sorted the data, let’s take a look at what the data looks like. The first row in the table contains the data in descending order, while the second row contains the data in ascending order.

To sort by Name in the Sort window, click on the column heading Name in the drop down menu and then select Sort By.

The rest of the options stay the same except remember to change the sort direction to Descending. When done, click the OK button and Word will sort the table using the options we’ve chosen.

Word allows you to sort text in multiple columns by using the sort settings. This can be helpful if you want to sort your data by different criteria, such as column A for the first name, column B for the last name, and column C for the date. You can also use tab and comma delimited text to sort your data. ..

Word can sort paragraph and table text for you, just like Excel. This saves you time in the application. ..