Lenovo has teased a foldable device since 2017 when they first debuted a foldable laptop, but they never provided a timeline for when it might release. CES 2020 changed all of that. Lenovo chose CES 2020 as the time to officially debut the ThinkPad X1 Fold and give it a release date: the second half of 2020.

The ThinkPad X1 Fold is aptly named. This Lenovo foldable laptop comes in at 13.3 inches but folds along the center line to create a perfect divide between the two sides of the screen. Think the Samsung Galaxy Fold, but bigger and lighter. The ThinkPad X1 Fold weighs in at just 2.2 pounds and can be folded completely flat for an incredibly small form factor on par with a book. ..

A foldable laptop is a great way to have multiple work areas on one device. It also has a screen-bending technology that makes it easier to work on the device.

The ThinkPad X1 Fold is a new laptop that can be turned into a tablet. It has two screens that can be used separately to multitask. The optional ThinkPad X1 Fold Stand allows users to place the device in either landscape or portrait mode, which further expands the ways people can use it. ..

ThinkPad X1 Fold Cost & Release Date

Lenovo has announced that the ThinkPad X1 Fold will start at $2,499 and be available for purchase in the second half of the year. More precise pricing details will be available closer to the release date of the ThinkPad.

The ThinkPad X1 Fold is a high-end laptop that is aimed at users who require the best technical specs possible. The price point is high, especially when the exact technical specs are not available, but Lenovo wanted to create a device that would survive the average life cycle of PCs (between three and five years). ..

The ThinkPad X1 Fold is a powerful, multipurpose machine that can be used for both business and student use. The machine has a feature lineup that sheds some light on why it is priced where it is.

ThinkPad X1 Fold Features 

The ThinkPad X1 is a great laptop that has many features that make it worth the high price. It folds up so quickly and easily, making it easy to take with you wherever you go. The foldable design also makes it perfect for traveling, as it can be stored easily in a suitcase or carry-on bag.

The ThinkPad X1 Fold can be used in multiple ways. It can be a completely flat 13.3-inch display or it can be folded into a laptop-style machine. The ThinkPad X1 Fold has 5G connectivity, but it is optional. Users can purchase a Bluetooth Mini Fold keyboard that is stored and charged inside the system. There are plans for a Windows 10 version and a Windows 10X version.

Lenovo has teamed up with Intel in order to avoid the lag that often plagues Windows 10 on some laptop models. The ThinkPad X1 Fold is powered by Intel Core processors, an attempt to avoid the issue. ..

Lenovo is heading in the right direction by including keyboards as optional accessories, instead of making them an absolute necessity. This move will allow users to use mobile computing in a more productive way, without having to worry about carrying around a separate keyboard. ..

The ThinkPad X1 Foldable device is a unique foldable laptop that combines convenience with power. It will need to perform exceptionally well to justify its high price point, but if it does, it could be a powerful force in the laptop market.